
Sports Days
Junior, Middle and Senior Sports Days are held each year and students represent one of three community teams; Saint, Elliot, and Fleming. Families are always welcome to be part of the fun and cheer everyone on. Our College participates in the South Australian Christian Schools Association (SACSA) Sports Days.
Basketball is the key sport offered at Hope Christian College. We currently have more basketball teams than we have ever had in the past, which is very exciting. We have boys, girls and mixed teams from U8s to U18s, and pathways are offered into District Basketball through the Central Districts Basketball Club. Matches are played weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays after school at STARPlex Stadium, Evanston Gardens, with trainings occurring after school on various days.
Myles Thiele can assist you with any basketball queries.

Interschool Sports
Our College participates in inter school carnivals for athletics, basketball, soccer, football, netball, cross country and other sports.