

College Purpose & Vision

College Purpose & Vision

Hope Christian College exists to provide a Biblically based Christian education for all students who attend. Our vision is to develop the whole child in a caring, nurturing environment in the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. […]

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HCC College Purpose & Vision (Statement of Faith) 2024

Hope Christian College


The standard of uniform and grooming at Hope Christian College is formal and not casual in nature. With regard to uniform, the College seeks to present our students’ uniforms in such a way that both represent the Hope […]

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HCC Student Uniform Policy 2024


Student Piercings & Tattoos

The occurrence of tattooing, body piercing and the resulting wearing of studs or rings in places other than the lower lobe of the ear has prompted this clarification of what is acceptable at school or on school activities. […]

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HCC Student Piercings & Tattoos Policy 2023

Behaviour Management

Hope Christian College understands education to be a partnership between the College and the home. In cooperation with parents we seek to help students to develop in all areas of their life. We seek to help students to […]

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HCC Behaviour Management Policy 2022


Anti-Bullying (Do Unto Others)

At Hope Christian College all members of the community are encouraged to consider their behaviour in the context of the whole community and how their actions affect others. It is our desire […]

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HCC Anti-Bullying Anti-Harassment Policy 2023

Grievances Policy

Parent Complaint

A grievance, for the purpose of this Policy, results when any member of the College community feels that a situation or circumstance has caused dissatisfaction or detriment to them, or some other College person or […]

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Complaints Policy 2024
Complaints Process Guide 

Drug Abuse Policy

Substance Abuse

The position taken by Hope Christian College from a Biblical Christian perspective is that God has created us for wholeness, righteousness and a life of dependence on Himself. Anything which intervenes in, interrupts, […]

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HCC Substance Abuse by Students Policy 2023

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how the College manages personal information provided to or collected by it. The College is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. […]

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HCC Privacy & Information Collection Policy 2023

Computer & Communication Device Use

The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of mobile phones for students while attending Hope Christian College

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HCC Computer & Communication Device Use Policy 2023
HCC Mobile Phone Use for Students 2023