News & Events
Letter to parents
- March 17, 2020
- Posted by: Adelaide Websites
- Category: Covid Updates
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Hope Christian College is closely monitoring events regarding the outbreak of COVID-19. It is our desire to keep students staff and families as safe as possible. We are being guided by State and Federal Governments, including a Principal’s Phone Conference with the Premier, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for SA, the Minister for Education and the Chief Officer of the Communicable Disease Control Branch.
Will Hope Christian College close?
The college will not close unless instructed to do so. There are currently no plans to close the College. If a person with COVID-19 attends the College site, we will follow the instructions of the Health Department. There has been no reported case of COVID-19 at Hope Christian College.
We are currently developing the right tools to allow some education to continue using technology if the College has to close. We will inform you as we are able.
Spread of Virus
Currently we are in the containment phase of the outbreak. The Government and Community are doing an excellent job of limiting the spread. At this point, spread can be traced between people, and usually with a travel connection. At Hope Christian College we will try to do as much as we can that is “normal” during the containment phase.
The next stage will be the community transmission phase. This is where the virus spreads between members of the community where there is no known overseas connection and the spread cannot be traced. When the virus is in the community transmission phase we will update you as the Health Department instructs us.
College Events (as at 17/3/20)
- Open Day
- Year 8 camp
- Chapel and Assemblies (other arrangements being made)
Not cancelled
- Normal lessons
- Class excursions
- Junior Sports Day
Parent/Teacher Interviews will now be held by phone and will not be face-to-face interviews
Overseas Travel
Anyone coming to Australia from overseas travel must isolate themselves for 14 days upon return to Australia. This means parents and students who leave Australia and then return, must isolate themselves for 14 days. If you are self-isolating:
- Do not go to school or work
- Do not let visitors into your home
- Ask someone to do your food shopping and leave it at the door
- Use different bathrooms if possible
- Use different meal times
Feeling sick
Do not send sick children to school. If you or your child has any of the following you need to get medical advice:
- A fever (high temperature)
- Cough
- Core throat
- Shortness of breath
Call ahead and book an appointment. If you need to be tested, your doctor will arrange the test. If your doctor lets you go home, you must self-isolate. Children must not come to school during this time.
Useful links
Working together
By working together and thinking of each other, we will be able to minimize the size of the outbreak and fewer people will get sick.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in these things.
Mr D Hopps